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Get to know your pests a little better...


Fly Icon


Flies are as part of our culture as thongs and corked hats.  However, they are a pest in every sense of the word.  They pose a health risk to humans, pets and livestock and can infest your home and spread diseases like Salmonella and E. coli.


When flies feed on waste, they collect pathogens on their legs and mouths. These pathogens are then transferred to food on tables or counters when a fly lands again. Flies regurgitate on solid food then they eat the liquid. They are capable of transmitting disease when they vomit, groom themselves or just walk on surfaces.


The best way to repel flies is through simple, preventive measures. Flies prefer warm temperatures and are most active from late spring to early autumn. In order to best repel flies during this time, limit access to your home as much as possible, keeping doors and windows closed. You may also choose to screen windows, doors and vents. Keep garbage cans clean and securely closed. Keeping surfaces clean will make your home less appealing to flies.

Cockroach Icon


Have you seen a cockroach scuttling across your floor? They’re unsightly, carry disease and if you see one, it usually means that there’s another 10 or 12 hidden nearby!  


Cockroaches are primitive insects dating back at least 300 million years. Of more than 3,000 species, only half a dozen have reached ‘pest’ status by adapting themselves to cohabit with humans. Other species inhabit decaying plant material, dark damp areas and beneath the bark of rotting trees.


Cockroaches are nocturnal, are rarely seen in during daylight hours and get inside through drain covers, ventilation openings and under doors. They hide in cracks and crevices, dishwashers, electrical motors and switches, ovens and almost any warm, moist area where food is available.


Inside, remove the causes of dampness by fixing leaking pipes & fridges, and improving ventilation to address the humidity caused by dishwashers and clothes dryers. Seal cracks and crevices around doorframes, cupboards, pipes, tiles etc.

Outside, garden beds should be at least 1 metre from the building. Place fine mesh over vents and into brick wall weep holes and keep the perimeter of the building dry. 

Mosquito Icon


Mosquitoes cause irritation to humans and livestock and promote the spread of diseases such as Ross River virus. The piercing and sucking feeding action of the female is an annoyance to humans. Typically mosquitoes will be attracted to warmth, dampness or moisture and an elevated level of carbon dioxide in the air.


Mosquitoes breed in standing water, for this reason alone we recommend that you have a fountain in ponds and dams. Other sources of standing water can be the water trays on pot plants, low lying areas and swamps etc. In summer months their population can grow rapidly.

Ant Icon


In Australia we have a huge number of varieties of ants and each type follows the basic structure of living and working in colonies with their populations being made up of worker and soldier ants plus a single queen. Their colonies tend to be permanent in nature and can be located in soils outdoors where their activity can be seen by the deposition of soil on footpaths, gardens etc. They will also nest in timber under pavers, in wall cavities and in roof voids so knowing how to get rid of ants can be a priority.

Ants are a highly developed social insect that will travel long distances for food following trails they’ve established and clustering around their food and becoming an unwanted nuisance in Western Australian homes and businesses.

In WA the most common types of ant species present are:

  • Argentine Ants

  • Black Ants

  • Coastal Brown Ants

  • Bull Ants


Ants may not seem to be a destructive insect and in a lot of instances may be seen to be more of an annoyance than anything else however they can cause problems so ant control and even knowing how to get rid of ants can be very important. Ants themselves generally aren’t infectious disease ridden insects rather, they can tend to be disease carriers bringing possible germs into your home. Coastal Brown Ants, for example, can carry disease organisms such as dysentery and smallpox as well as bacteria such as Salmonella.

Ants can also be aggressive in nature particularly in Western Australia with Bull Ants quite capable of inflicting a nasty bite to the unwary … a not uncommon occurrence on a Sunday afternoon BBQ!

Avoid attracting Ants by cleaning any residue from oils, sauces and liquids, clean up any hidden crumbs or scraps that are usually ignored (e.g. around a toaster) and having a trash bin that is enclosed or has a lid.

Mouse Icon


Finding mice in your home can be distressing. They transmit disease and pose health risks in kitchens or where children play due to the urine and droppings that they leave behind.  Their natural gnawing habit can also cause great damage to your furniture, furnishings and equipment.  Rodents multiply rapidly and if left undetected or not treated promptly, infestation can quickly occur.


If you suspect you have a rodent problem, we can offer a baiting solution using blocks of rodenticides which will safely destroy nests.


We offer advice and tips that you can use to prevent the return of rats to your home or business. It is recommended to remove any food and water sources available to rodents from your home. Keep food in locked containers. Remember to put pet food away. Also pick up any fallen fruit in your garden. Don’t put rubbish out at night, rather keep it indoors overnight if possible.  Consider entry points where you can fit mesh over to prevent rats from getting inside. By proofing your home, it will make it less appealing for rodents to want to enter.

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